Age prediction with site-effect removal

A challenge on the openBHB dataset that aims to i) predict age from derived 3D T1w anatomical MRI data while ii) removing site/scanner information from the learned representation.
The openBHB dataset is freely available for download on the IEEE DataPort service.
The content of the site is outlined below and can also be accessed using the top left navigation bar:
The preprocessing and quality control was performed using container technologies using the brainprep module.
The primary idea of the openBHB project is to provide to the community a large benchmarking dataset. The dataset is splitted in two: 1) the openBHB dataset that is publicaly available for participants to train new models, and 2) the openBHB and privateBHB test sets that are used to compare the performances of the submitted models. All challenges built upon the openBHB dataset are described in the challenges section.